10 Famous Inspirational Quotes in English by Mary Kom

Inspirational Quotes

“Fight for your dreams, just like I fought for mine, and you’ll find success in every round of life.”

“Champions aren’t born; they are made through hard work, dedication, and determination.”

“In the boxing ring and in life, always give it your best shot.”

“Strength isn’t determined by size; it’s determined by the size of your determination.”

“Defeat is just a temporary setback on the path to victory.”

“Never underestimate the power of a woman with a dream and a pair of boxing gloves.”

“Success is not about gender; it’s about believing in yourself and persevering.”

“Life can throw punches, but it’s how you counter them that defines you.”

“Be fearless, be fierce, be yourself.”

“Dream big, work hard, and never let anyone tell you what you can or cannot achieve.”

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